Install Command Cheat Sheet

Examples of how to use Scappman install commands with your custom applications

<INSTALLERFILE> does not need to be changed, Scappman will automatically swap this with the name of the primary installer file you upload when creating your custom app

These are all examples. Vendors install arguments for silent install may vary. Please refer to the vendors documentation

Scappman automatically appends the required command-line arguments for silent install, no reboot and logging.

Installing an MSI silently

Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path '<INSTALLERFILE>'

Installing an MSI silently with an MST file

Check out our doc on deploying MST files to your client device - Using MST's with Scappman Apps

Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path '<INSTALLERFILE>' -Transform '<LocalPath>\Transform.mst'

Installing an MSI silently with custom parameters

Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path '<INSTALLERFILE>' -AddParameters '<YourParameters>'

Installing an EXE silently

Execute-Process -Path "<INSTALLERFILE>" -Parameters "/silent" -WindowStyle Hidden

Extracting a zip file

<LocalClientPath> must be replaced with a real path

Expand-Archive -Path "$dirFiles\<INSTALLERFILE>" -DestinationPath "<LocalClientPath>"

Copying a file

<DestinationPath> must be replaced with a real path

Copy-File -Path "$dirFiles\<INSTALLERFILE>" -Destination "<DestinationPath>"

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