Log file error code reference

  • 60001 - PSADT failure exit code

  • 60002 - Missing file

  • 60003 - The function [${CmdletName}] requires the toolkit to be running with Administrator privileges if the [-RunLevel] parameter is set to 'HighestAvailable'.

  • 60004 - Failed to load assembly

  • 60005 - Error in displaying the Installation Prompt

  • 60007 - Failed to export the scheduled task XML file [$xmlSchTaskFilePath]

  • 60008 - Module [$moduleAppDeployToolkitMain] failed to load

  • 60009 - No logged-on user detected

  • 60012 - The user selected Defer/Postpone when prompted to close the app and update

  • 70001 - The user selected No when prompted to close the app and update (Specific applications only)

  • 9000 - Post-Install script failure

Last updated